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Letter to the editor: Biden and his magic pen | TribLIVE.com
Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Biden and his magic pen


The following is a movie that needs to be canceled so our children don’t see it: It is titled “Pinocchio Joe and His Magic Pen.”

It hasn’t been three months and this puppet has made America the joke of the world. If you don’t or didn’t like President Trump, that’s fine, but if this guy doesn’t get his way he just pulls out the magic pen and does what he wants. Act 1 was allowing immigrants who could have covid-19 to cross the border and roam the country while we foot the bill for transportation, health care, food — just about anything they need. Act 2 was his covid relief bill, when only 9% went directly to fighting the virus. Act 3 is pulling the wool over the public’s eyes while his handlers (laugh about it, Harris, Pelosi and Schumer) and the rest of his puppeteers pull the strings.

This movie is far from over, with HR 1, the For the People Act, coming next and easily one of the worst bills ever. Someone needs to pull the curtains on this horror movie before it’s too late.

Finally, here’s a little kicker: In San Diego, illegal immigrants are getting one-on-one education on tax dollars while students are trying to learn on computers at home.

Americans must like playing the suckers of the world, and these clowns aren’t done yet. Go figure!

Dwayne Buffer


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Categories: Letters to the Editor | Opinion